Kensington Town Hall 2024

Written and developed by Delta Brooks, Rebekah Carton and Thomas Richards

11-14 July 2024

Kensington Town Hall, Melbourne

A girl dreams of being a ballerina, then a cowboy, then a CEO. Another hopes to be on playschool. A boy dreams of learning the drums. But its too late for all of that. They’ve grown up. The time has passed….

Or has it?

What if we did it all. Right now. In 60 mins. With nothing but an empty stage. 

And props. LOADS of props.

Hot Lunch’s One Of These Things First is play at its best. Focused around the impossible nature of childhood career dreams, it is an epic, messy work - where disconnected aspirations, stories, and performances collide. As the show bursts into energetic chaos, One Of These Things First succeeds in smashing together disparate elements to create a whole that is imaginative, darkly humorous, and unexpectedly touching.

One Of These Things First is a scrambling exploration of childhood ambitions: ironic and physically demanding, it is a visual feast that endeavours to capture the beauty, challenges, and complexities of pursuing dreams at the age where nothing seems possible anymore.


Delta Brooks
Rebekah Carton
Thomas Richards

Brenton Ryan

“Continuously engaging, interesting, frantic and delightful.. Managed to permit me to have a dual experience of warm, cheery, sunny.. Whilst also having this broody undercurrent, lower layer, of dark capitalistic melancholy”

Praise Dionysus!