This is the dust we’re in


Written and developed by Delta Brooks, Rebekah Carton, Alex Lloyd, Thomas Richards

17 January 2024

Testing Grounds, 150 Queen Street, Melbourne

"This Is the Dust We're In" is an exploration of cultural legacy, artistic evolution, and the intricate dance between tradition and change. Our vision for this new work is a meta-theatrical interrogation of the timeless classic, "The Summer of the Seventeenth Doll," unraveling the threads that connect us to Australia's theatrical history while challenging the status quo. 

An important question we ask is why "The Doll" remains ensconced in a rigid formula - never adapted, perpetually stuck in a nostalgic time capsule. We challenge the conventional approach to this text, daring to reimagine/reinterpret it for a contemporary audience. As we question resistance to change, we also examine the paradox of why Australian audiences and artists are drawn repeatedly to this archaic narrative. What is it about this play that transcends time, capturing the collective imagination of generations?

Delta Brooks
Rebekah Carton
Alex Lloyd
Tom Richards

Matto Lucas