
Produced and presented by: The Liminal Space

Siteworks (2022)

Written and developed by Delta Brooks, Rebekah Carton and Harry Haynes

Produced and presented by: The Liminal Space

Directed by Harry Haynes

Siteworks, Brunswick

“You said you would come back for me, all those years ago you promised and yet I’m still waiting...”

You know the story:

Helen of Troy. The face that launched a thousand ships.

Clytemnestra of Sparta. Killed her husband in the bath after the war.

Now at the end of everything the sisters reunite; retracing the steps to the shared dance of their lives and the childhood history never allowed them to have.

Much like Helen and Clytemnestra, our baby (this piece) was hatched as a result of trauma. Like many other artists in this country, covid brought upon us many challenges - no work, no funding, no fun. But it also forced us to reflect on who we are as artists, and how we wanted to share our creative voice. Thus, ‘Cygnets’ was born.

This work explores many themes, amongst those the complex relationships between women. We learnt this firsthand - our relationship has a ‘complex’ origin of its own. However, bonded by a strong sisterhood and love of red wine, we came together (because two Geminis are more powerful than one) and channelled our voices through these two incredible women, whose shared origins have never - anywhere - been told.

We live in a time where women's voices are finally beginning to be heard. The resounding cry of the #metoo movement, discussions of pay equality, and most recently, the continued fight for control of our own bodies as women. Though our voices have always been here, they’re getting louder.

All you have to do is listen.

Delta Brooks and Rebekah Carton.

Written and performed by
Rebekah Carton
Delta Brooks

Harry Haynes

Juliette Whitney

Miles O’Neil and Harry Haynes

Lighting consultant
Nicholas Moloney

Alanah Guiry

Tom Richards

Thomas Noak

Matto Lucas